Engaged workaholics are distinct from the classic, compulsively driven worker who can't unplug ever and always feels like he or she should be working and suffer greater-than-average ill effects: more conflicts at work, less job satisfaction, poorer social relationships, more heart attacks, more divorces.
“自愿工作狂”(engaged workaholics)与传统意义上的被迫工作狂是完全不同的。被迫工作狂永远没有停下来的时候,而且总是觉得自己应该一直处于工作状态,并由此饱受各类工作狂负面效应的困扰:工作上冲突不断、工作满意度不高、社会关系不佳、心脏病高发、离婚率高。
Engaged workaholics may dodge some or all of those nasty repercussions for one simple reason: They love what they do. They get a kick out of it. They don't feel stressed by it.
The engaged workaholics didn't have burnout anywhere near the level of the workaholics, suggesting that loving work may buffer the stress effects of working too hard. They are people who work really hard but know when to quit.